Our Professional Services Firm
With 13 years of history in Ecuador, KSi Attesting Cia. Ltda., is an international firm member of Morison Global, an association based in London-United Kingdom, made up of independent firms located around the world, providing its clients with a range of services such as: Audit, Accounting, Consulting, Assurance, Legal and Tax Services.
Through our global network, we have a presence in more than 75 countries where we have qualified personnel to provide the best strategies for your company. Our greatest interest is to support the improvement of your organization by sharing our experience with you, turning knowledge into value. Our experience goes beyond just years of practicing one of the oldest professions in the business world, it is based on ethical principles and values that we live by on a daily basis.
Our team
Marcelo Toapanta, CEO | Telephone: 593-984693006
Audit Services Leader & Assurance
Johanna Piarpuezan, CPA | Telephone: 593 984011849
Head of the Consulting Area and BPO Process
Yesenia Celorio, CPA | Telephone: 593 958878025
Head of the Audit and Tax Area
Dayanna Mantilla, CPA | Telephone: 593-984693006
Head of the Business Consulting Area